Nexx Full Cigarettes

  • Proudly Canadian-made cigarette
  • Guaranteed uplifting and relaxing effects
  • Sourced from 100% natural tobacco
  • Nicotine content is ideal for general users
  • Potential health benefits with proper use
  • Native Cigarettes


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Weight 0.7 lbs
Dimensions 11.5 × 3.5 × 2 in

Carton, Pack

Nexx Cigarettes offer a unique alternative to traditional e-cigarettes. They are carefully designed to replicate the familiar smoking experience while eliminating tar and carbon monoxide’s harmful effects. The technology behind Nexx involves a sophisticated multi-layered system that vaporizes a special blend of nicotine and other compounds, delivering a smoking-like experience without combustion. This innovative solution holds great promise for public health by providing a safer alternative that could help reduce the risks associated with conventional smoking.

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